Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Left unsaid

That little green dot
Is so tempting to click
To establish a connection
But something tells me you'll go gray
If i do
So different from the calls
The frequent texts
The inclusion in past times
Offered others the illusion we were more
Than recent friends
Trips to other places
Riding shotgun always
Turned to routine and thoughts never spoken
As caresses no longer lingered
All I want to know is why
We can no longer touch the sky
In a place I felt I could be me
And I wonder how I went from beautiful to silence
Questions that can't leave my lips
As the appearance of needy
Is not desired
And while most likely of my creation
It holds my tongue
Sleepless nights are not mine
And they say to move on
Take my pick from the rest
Which if desired
Can be arranged
I just wanted your words
Didn't think we'd ever say
Have a good life

*NAMK Feb 9, 2010